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action - Variable in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.event.CrateInteractEvent
add(Crate) - Method in interface com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.CrateRegistrar
Adds a crate to the plugin.
addClaim(OfflinePlayer, Crate, int) - Method in interface com.hazebyte.crate.api.claim.ClaimRegistrar
addClaim(OfflinePlayer, List<Reward>) - Method in interface com.hazebyte.crate.api.claim.ClaimRegistrar
addReward(Reward) - Method in interface com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.Crate
Adds a reward to the prize list.
ALWAYS - com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.reward.Tag
Represents a persistent reward.
amount(int) - Method in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.util.ItemBuilder
ANIMATION - com.hazebyte.crate.api.effect.Category
State that represents when a player is inside an GUI animation.
ANIMATION - Static variable in interface com.hazebyte.crate.api.util.Links
AnimationException - Exception in com.hazebyte.crate.api.exception
AnimationException() - Constructor for exception com.hazebyte.crate.api.exception.AnimationException
AnimationException(String) - Constructor for exception com.hazebyte.crate.api.exception.AnimationException
AnimationType - Enum in com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate
Contain states which determine the type of animation that activates.
append(String...) - Method in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.util.ItemBuilder
append(List<String>) - Method in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.util.ItemBuilder
asItemStack() - Method in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.util.ItemBuilder


BLANK - com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.EndAnimationType
BlockCrateRegistrar - Interface in com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate
Contain methods used to retrieve and manipulate location based crates.
BOOLEAN - com.hazebyte.crate.api.util.ItemBuilder.DataType
broadcast(Object) - Static method in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.util.Messenger
broadcast(String) - Static method in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.util.Messenger
broadcast(BaseComponent...) - Static method in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.util.Messenger
broadcast(TextComponent) - Static method in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.util.Messenger
BROADCAST - com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.reward.MessageType
BROADCAST - com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.reward.Tag
Represents a broadcast message.
BROADCAST_INLINE - com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.reward.MessageType
BROADCAST_INLINE - com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.reward.Tag
Represents an concatenated broadcast message.
BYTEARRAY - com.hazebyte.crate.api.util.ItemBuilder.DataType


Category - Enum in com.hazebyte.crate.api.effect
States which represent when an effect is activated.
CHANCE - com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.reward.Tag
Represents a chance value.
Claim - Interface in com.hazebyte.crate.api.claim
A Claim represents a set of instructions that the player may execute any given later time.
ClaimEvent - Class in com.hazebyte.crate.api.event
Represents an event that is called when a player tries to claim a reward.
ClaimEvent(Claim) - Constructor for class com.hazebyte.crate.api.event.ClaimEvent
ClaimGiveEvent - Class in com.hazebyte.crate.api.event
Represents an event that is called when a claim is given to a player.
ClaimGiveEvent(Claim) - Constructor for class com.hazebyte.crate.api.event.ClaimGiveEvent
ClaimRegistrar - Interface in com.hazebyte.crate.api.claim
ClaimRegistrar is an API that manages claims.
clone(ItemStack) - Static method in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.util.ItemBuilder
ColorUtil - Class in com.hazebyte.crate.api.util
ColorUtil() - Constructor for class com.hazebyte.crate.api.util.ColorUtil
com.hazebyte.crate.api - package com.hazebyte.crate.api
General classes in the API
com.hazebyte.crate.api.claim - package com.hazebyte.crate.api.claim
com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate - package com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate
Classes related to Crate
com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.reward - package com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.reward
Classes related to Reward
com.hazebyte.crate.api.effect - package com.hazebyte.crate.api.effect
com.hazebyte.crate.api.event - package com.hazebyte.crate.api.event
Classes dedicated to handling code triggers.
com.hazebyte.crate.api.exception - package com.hazebyte.crate.api.exception
com.hazebyte.crate.api.result - package com.hazebyte.crate.api.result
com.hazebyte.crate.api.util - package com.hazebyte.crate.api.util
Functions to ease programmatic tasks.
COMMAND - com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.reward.Tag
Represents a command.
COMMANDS_EXECUTED - com.hazebyte.crate.api.result.RewardExecutorResult
compareTo(ServerVersion) - Method in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.ServerVersion
contains(String) - Static method in enum com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.reward.Tag
copy() - Method in interface com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.reward.Reward
crate - Variable in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.event.CrateInteractEvent
Crate - Interface in com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate
Represents a crate
CRATE_TYPES - Static variable in interface com.hazebyte.crate.api.util.Links
CrateAction - Enum in com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate
Contain states which represent an action.
CrateAPI - Class in com.hazebyte.crate.api
CrateGiveEvent - Class in com.hazebyte.crate.api.event
Represents an event that is called when a user gives a crate to a player.
CrateGiveEvent(CommandSender, OfflinePlayer, Crate, int, boolean) - Constructor for class com.hazebyte.crate.api.event.CrateGiveEvent
CrateInteractEvent - Class in com.hazebyte.crate.api.event
Called when a player interacts with a crate.
CrateInteractEvent(Crate, Player, CrateAction, Action) - Constructor for class com.hazebyte.crate.api.event.CrateInteractEvent
CrateInteractEvent(Crate, Player, Location, CrateAction, Action) - Constructor for class com.hazebyte.crate.api.event.CrateInteractEvent
CratePlaceEvent - Class in com.hazebyte.crate.api.event
Called when a player places a Supply Crate.
CratePlaceEvent(Crate, Player, Block) - Constructor for class com.hazebyte.crate.api.event.CratePlaceEvent
CratePlugin - Interface in com.hazebyte.crate.api
CratePushbackEvent - Class in com.hazebyte.crate.api.event
CratePushbackEvent(Player, Vector) - Constructor for class com.hazebyte.crate.api.event.CratePushbackEvent
CrateRegistrar - Interface in com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate
Contains methods used to manipulate and retrieve a crate.
CrateRemoveEvent - Class in com.hazebyte.crate.api.event
This represents when a crate has been removed from a location.
CrateRemoveEvent(Crate, Location) - Constructor for class com.hazebyte.crate.api.event.CrateRemoveEvent
CrateRewardEvent - Class in com.hazebyte.crate.api.event
Called when a player opens a crate.
CrateRewardEvent(Crate, Player, Location, List<Reward>) - Constructor for class com.hazebyte.crate.api.event.CrateRewardEvent
CrateSetEvent - Class in com.hazebyte.crate.api.event
This represents when a crate has been set to a location.
CrateSetEvent(Crate, Location) - Constructor for class com.hazebyte.crate.api.event.CrateSetEvent
CrateType - Enum in com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate
Contain states that determine the interactions a crate takes.
createCrate(String, CrateType) - Method in interface com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.CrateRegistrar
Returns a crate with the given name, and type.
createReward() - Method in interface com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.CrateRegistrar
Creates a default reward.
createReward(String) - Method in interface com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.CrateRegistrar
Creates a reward using a reward line.
CSGO - com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.AnimationType
Animation that specifically transitions from the right-most inventory slot to the left-most slot.
CSGO_REVERSE - com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.AnimationType
CSGO_V2 - com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.AnimationType


debug(Object) - Static method in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.util.Messenger
DISPLAY - com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.reward.Tag
Represents an display item.
displayName(String) - Method in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.util.ItemBuilder
DOUBLE - com.hazebyte.crate.api.util.ItemBuilder.DataType
durability(short) - Method in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.util.ItemBuilder


enchant(Enchantment, int) - Method in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.util.ItemBuilder
enchants(Map<Enchantment, Integer>) - Method in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.util.ItemBuilder
END - com.hazebyte.crate.api.effect.Category
State that represents when a player closes a GUI animation.
EndAnimationType - Enum in com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate
Contain states which determine the type of animation that activates.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.ServerVersion
error(Object, StackTraceElement) - Static method in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.util.Messenger
ERROR - Static variable in interface com.hazebyte.crate.api.util.Messages
ERROR_LINE - Static variable in interface com.hazebyte.crate.api.util.Messages
ERROR_LINE_INFO - Static variable in interface com.hazebyte.crate.api.util.Messages
execute() - Method in interface com.hazebyte.crate.api.claim.Claim
execute(Player) - Method in interface com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.reward.Reward


flag(ItemFlag) - Method in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.util.ItemBuilder
flags(ItemFlag...) - Method in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.util.ItemBuilder
FLOAT - com.hazebyte.crate.api.util.ItemBuilder.DataType
FORMAT - Static variable in interface com.hazebyte.crate.api.util.Messages
FORMAT_ITEM - Static variable in interface com.hazebyte.crate.api.util.Messages


generateCrateRewards(Crate, Player) - Method in interface com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.CrateRegistrar
Uses the built-in reward generator to pick a prize for a player.
getAcceptButton() - Method in interface com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.Crate
getAction() - Method in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.event.CrateInteractEvent
getAmount() - Method in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.event.CrateGiveEvent
getAnimationType() - Method in interface com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.Crate
Returns the animation that open when the crate activation is triggered.
getBlock() - Method in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.event.CratePlaceEvent
getBlockCrateRegistrar() - Static method in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.CrateAPI
getBlockCrateRegistrar() - Method in interface com.hazebyte.crate.api.CratePlugin
getBroadcastMessage() - Method in interface com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.Crate
getBroadcastMessage() - Method in interface com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.reward.Reward
getChance() - Method in interface com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.reward.Reward
Returns the chance.
getClaim() - Method in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.event.ClaimEvent
getClaim() - Method in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.event.ClaimGiveEvent
getClaim(OfflinePlayer, long) - Method in interface com.hazebyte.crate.api.claim.ClaimRegistrar
getClaim(OfflinePlayer, UUID) - Method in interface com.hazebyte.crate.api.claim.ClaimRegistrar
getClaimRegistrar() - Static method in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.CrateAPI
getClaimRegistrar() - Method in interface com.hazebyte.crate.api.CratePlugin
getClaims(OfflinePlayer) - Method in interface com.hazebyte.crate.api.claim.ClaimRegistrar
getColor(String) - Static method in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.util.ColorUtil
getCommands() - Method in interface com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.reward.Reward
Returns the list of commands.
getCommands(Player) - Method in interface com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.reward.Reward
Returns the list of commands formatted for the player.
getConstantRewards() - Method in interface com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.Crate
Returns the list of rewards that will be given to the player no matter what.
getCost() - Method in interface com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.Crate
Returns the cost of a crate.
getCrate() - Method in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.event.CrateGiveEvent
getCrate() - Method in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.event.CrateInteractEvent
getCrate() - Method in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.event.CratePlaceEvent
getCrate() - Method in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.event.CrateRemoveEvent
getCrate() - Method in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.event.CrateRewardEvent
getCrate() - Method in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.event.CrateSetEvent
getCrate(String) - Method in interface com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.CrateRegistrar
Retrieves the specified Crate given the crate identifier name.
getCrate(ItemStack) - Method in interface com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.CrateRegistrar
Retrieves the specified Crate with a item.
getCrate(Location, Crate) - Method in interface com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.BlockCrateRegistrar
Returns the crate if it exists at the location.
getCrate(Location, String) - Method in interface com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.BlockCrateRegistrar
Returns the crate with the crate name at the location.
getCrateFromDisplayName(String) - Method in interface com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.CrateRegistrar
Retrieves the specified Crate given the display name.
getCrateName() - Method in interface com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.Crate
Returns the name of the crate.
getCrateRegistrar() - Static method in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.CrateAPI
getCrateRegistrar() - Method in interface com.hazebyte.crate.api.CratePlugin
getCrates() - Method in interface com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.CrateRegistrar
Returns a list of crates
getCrates(Location) - Method in interface com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.BlockCrateRegistrar
Returns the list of crates at a given location.
getCrateString() - Method in interface com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.CrateRegistrar
getCustomModelData() - Method in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.util.ItemBuilder
getDataFolder() - Static method in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.CrateAPI
getDeclineButton() - Method in interface com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.Crate
getDisplayItem() - Method in interface com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.Crate
Returns the display item that is specified to be used
in virtual menus.
getDisplayItem() - Method in interface com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.reward.Reward
Returns the display item.
getDisplayName() - Method in interface com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.Crate
Returns the display name specified by the user.
getEndAnimationType() - Method in interface com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.Crate
getFirstCrate(Location) - Method in interface com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.BlockCrateRegistrar
Returns the first crate, if it exists, at the location.
getHandlerList() - Static method in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.event.ClaimEvent
getHandlerList() - Static method in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.event.ClaimGiveEvent
getHandlerList() - Static method in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.event.CrateGiveEvent
getHandlerList() - Static method in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.event.CrateInteractEvent
getHandlerList() - Static method in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.event.CratePlaceEvent
getHandlerList() - Static method in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.event.CratePushbackEvent
getHandlerList() - Static method in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.event.CrateRemoveEvent
getHandlerList() - Static method in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.event.CrateRewardEvent
getHandlerList() - Static method in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.event.CrateSetEvent
getHandlerList() - Static method in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.event.PluginReadyEvent
getHandlers() - Method in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.event.ClaimEvent
getHandlers() - Method in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.event.ClaimGiveEvent
getHandlers() - Method in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.event.CrateGiveEvent
getHandlers() - Method in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.event.CrateInteractEvent
getHandlers() - Method in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.event.CratePlaceEvent
getHandlers() - Method in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.event.CratePushbackEvent
getHandlers() - Method in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.event.CrateRemoveEvent
getHandlers() - Method in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.event.CrateRewardEvent
getHandlers() - Method in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.event.CrateSetEvent
getHandlers() - Method in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.event.PluginReadyEvent
getHolographicText() - Method in interface com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.Crate
Returns the set of strings used in an holographic.
getId() - Method in interface com.hazebyte.crate.api.claim.Claim
getId() - Method in enum com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.CrateType
getId() - Method in enum com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.EndAnimationType
getInstance() - Static method in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.CrateAPI
getItem() - Method in interface com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.Crate
Returns the item that is given in-game to the player.
getItems() - Method in interface com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.reward.Reward
Returns the list of items.
getItems(Player) - Method in interface com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.reward.Reward
Returns the list of formatted items.
getKey() - Method in enum com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.reward.MessageType
getLine() - Method in interface com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.reward.Reward
Returns the reward line that is config-compatible.
getLocation() - Method in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.event.CrateInteractEvent
getLocation() - Method in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.event.CrateRemoveEvent
getLocation() - Method in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.event.CrateRewardEvent
getLocation() - Method in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.event.CrateSetEvent
getLocations() - Method in interface com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.BlockCrateRegistrar
getLore(ItemStack) - Static method in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.util.ItemHelper
getMajor() - Method in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.ServerVersion
getMaximumRewards() - Method in interface com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.Crate
Returns the user-set attribute used to generate prizes.
getMessage(String) - Static method in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.CrateAPI
getMessage(String) - Method in interface com.hazebyte.crate.api.CratePlugin
getMinimumRewards() - Method in interface com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.Crate
Returns the user-set attribute used to generate prizes.
getMinor() - Method in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.ServerVersion
getName() - Method in enum com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.reward.Tag
getName(ItemStack) - Static method in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.util.ItemHelper
getOpenMessage() - Method in interface com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.Crate
getOpenMessage() - Method in interface com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.reward.Reward
getOwner() - Method in interface com.hazebyte.crate.api.claim.Claim
getParent() - Method in interface com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.reward.Reward
Returns the crate that this reward belongs to.
getPermissions() - Method in interface com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.reward.Reward
getPlayer() - Method in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.event.CrateInteractEvent
getPlayer() - Method in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.event.CratePlaceEvent
getPlayer() - Method in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.event.CrateRewardEvent
getPlugin() - Method in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.event.PluginReadyEvent
getPrefix() - Static method in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.util.Messenger
getPreviewRows() - Method in interface com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.Crate
Returns the number of rows in a preview menu.
getPreviewSlots() - Method in interface com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.Crate
Returns the number of slots in a preview menu.
getRevision() - Method in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.ServerVersion
getRewards() - Method in interface com.hazebyte.crate.api.claim.Claim
getRewards() - Method in interface com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.Crate
Returns the list of rewards.
getRewards() - Method in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.event.CrateRewardEvent
getRewardString() - Method in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.reward.RewardLine
getRootAction() - Method in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.event.CrateInteractEvent
getSender() - Method in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.event.CrateGiveEvent
getServerVersion() - Method in interface com.hazebyte.crate.api.CratePlugin
getSlot() - Method in interface com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.reward.Reward
getTagFromValue(String) - Static method in enum com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.reward.Tag
getTarget() - Method in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.event.CrateGiveEvent
getTarget() - Method in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.event.CratePushbackEvent
getTimestamp() - Method in interface com.hazebyte.crate.api.claim.Claim
getType() - Method in interface com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.Crate
Returns the type that determines the minecraft action
that activates the crate.
getType(int) - Static method in enum com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.CrateType
getType(int) - Static method in enum com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.EndAnimationType
getType(String) - Static method in enum com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.CrateType
getUUID() - Method in interface com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.Crate
getVector() - Method in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.event.CratePushbackEvent
getVersion() - Static method in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.ServerVersion
Returns the current running server version.
giveCrate(Crate, Player, int) - Method in interface com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.CrateRegistrar
Gives the specified player the specified amount of crates.
gt(ServerVersion) - Method in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.ServerVersion
Returns true if the calling server version is greater than the parameter.
gte(ServerVersion) - Method in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.ServerVersion
Returns true if the calling server version is greater than or equal to the parameter.


hasConfirmationToggle() - Method in interface com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.Crate
Returns whether the crate has an confirmation toggle.
hasCrate(Location, Crate) - Method in interface com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.BlockCrateRegistrar
Returns true if the crate exists at the location.
hasCrates(Location) - Method in interface com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.BlockCrateRegistrar
Returns true if there are crates at the location.
hasCustomModelData() - Method in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.util.ItemBuilder
hasDisplayItem() - Method in interface com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.Crate
Checks whether this crate has a display item.
hasDisplayItem() - Method in interface com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.reward.Reward
Checks whether this reward has an display item.
hasDisplayName() - Method in interface com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.Crate
Checks whether this crate has a display name.
hashCode() - Method in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.ServerVersion
hasImplementation() - Static method in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.CrateAPI
hasItems() - Method in interface com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.reward.Reward
Returns whether the list has a set of items.
hasLore(ItemStack) - Static method in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.util.ItemHelper
hasName(ItemStack) - Static method in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.util.ItemHelper
hasPermission(Player) - Method in interface com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.reward.Reward
hasPostParsing() - Method in interface com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.reward.Reward
HEART - com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.AnimationType
hideAll(boolean) - Method in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.util.ItemBuilder


info(Object) - Static method in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.util.Messenger
Outputs the formatted message to console.
INSPECT - com.hazebyte.crate.api.effect.Category
State that represents when a player left clicks a crate.
INTARRAY - com.hazebyte.crate.api.util.ItemBuilder.DataType
is(ItemStack) - Method in interface com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.Crate
Checks if an ItemStack equals this crate's item.
The matching scheme is based on a configuration setting in the config.yml.
The strictest setting will match with NBT.
isBuyable() - Method in interface com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.Crate
Returns whether this crate is for sale.
isCancelled() - Method in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.event.ClaimEvent
isCancelled() - Method in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.event.ClaimGiveEvent
isCancelled() - Method in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.event.CrateGiveEvent
isCancelled() - Method in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.event.CrateInteractEvent
isCancelled() - Method in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.event.CratePlaceEvent
isCancelled() - Method in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.event.CratePushbackEvent
isCancelled() - Method in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.event.CrateRemoveEvent
isCancelled() - Method in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.event.CrateRewardEvent
isCancelled() - Method in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.event.CrateSetEvent
isConstant() - Method in interface com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.reward.Reward
Returns whether this is a constant reward -- meaning that this reward will always be given to the player.
isCrate(ItemStack) - Method in interface com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.CrateRegistrar
Checks if the item represents a crate.
isEmpty() - Method in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.reward.RewardLine
isMockServer() - Method in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.ServerVersion
isMockServer(String) - Static method in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.ServerVersion
isPlaceable() - Method in interface com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.Crate
Returns whether the crate is a placeable item.
isPreviewable() - Method in interface com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.Crate
Returns whether this crate is previewable.
isReady() - Method in interface com.hazebyte.crate.api.CratePlugin
isSentToAll() - Method in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.event.CrateGiveEvent
isUnique() - Method in interface com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.reward.Reward
Returns whether this is a unique reward.
ITEM - com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.reward.Tag
Represents an item.
ItemBuilder - Class in com.hazebyte.crate.api.util
ItemBuilder(ItemStack) - Constructor for class com.hazebyte.crate.api.util.ItemBuilder
ItemBuilder(Material) - Constructor for class com.hazebyte.crate.api.util.ItemBuilder
ItemBuilder(Material, int) - Constructor for class com.hazebyte.crate.api.util.ItemBuilder
ItemBuilder(Material, int, short) - Constructor for class com.hazebyte.crate.api.util.ItemBuilder
ItemBuilder(Material, int, short, String) - Constructor for class com.hazebyte.crate.api.util.ItemBuilder
ItemBuilder.DataType - Enum in com.hazebyte.crate.api.util
ItemHelper - Class in com.hazebyte.crate.api.util
ItemHelper() - Constructor for class com.hazebyte.crate.api.util.ItemHelper
ITEMS - Static variable in interface com.hazebyte.crate.api.util.Links
ITEMS_DROPPED_TO_WORLD - com.hazebyte.crate.api.result.RewardExecutorResult
ITEMS_GIVEN_TO_PLAYER - com.hazebyte.crate.api.result.RewardExecutorResult
ITEMS_SENT_TO_CLAIM - com.hazebyte.crate.api.result.RewardExecutorResult


KEY - com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.CrateType
Type of crate which specifically uses a key.


LEFT_CLICK - com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.CrateAction
LEGACY_MESSAGE - com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.reward.Tag
LEGACY_PERM - com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.reward.Tag
LEGACY_PREVENT_DUPLICATE - com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.reward.Tag
Links - Interface in com.hazebyte.crate.api.util
Used to guide users to documentation.
location - Variable in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.event.CrateInteractEvent
lore(String...) - Method in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.util.ItemBuilder
lore(List<String>) - Method in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.util.ItemBuilder
lt(ServerVersion) - Method in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.ServerVersion
Returns true if the calling server version is less than the parameter.
lte(ServerVersion) - Method in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.ServerVersion
Returns true if the calling server version is less than or equal to the parameter.


MATERIAL - Static variable in interface com.hazebyte.crate.api.util.Links
MENU - com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.CrateType
MESSAGE - com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.reward.Tag
Represents an opening message.
MESSAGE_NOT_FOUND - Static variable in interface com.hazebyte.crate.api.util.Messages
Messages - Interface in com.hazebyte.crate.api.util
Internal messages
MESSAGES_EXECUTED - com.hazebyte.crate.api.result.RewardExecutorResult
MessageType - Enum in com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.reward
Messenger - Class in com.hazebyte.crate.api.util
Messenger() - Constructor for class com.hazebyte.crate.api.util.Messenger
META - Static variable in interface com.hazebyte.crate.api.util.Links
MYSTERY - com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.CrateType
Type of crate that can be opened at any time.


NONE - com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.AnimationType
No animation
NORMAL - com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.reward.MessageType


of(String) - Static method in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.ServerVersion
1.20.6 => Major (1), Minor (20), Revision (6)
of(String) - Static method in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.util.ColorUtil
of(ItemStack) - Static method in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.util.ItemBuilder
onRewards(Player, List<Reward>) - Method in interface com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.Crate
Called whenever a player triggers a win for this crate.
onRewards(Player, List<Reward>, Location) - Method in interface com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.Crate
onRewards(Player, List<Reward>, Location, Consumer) - Method in interface com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.Crate
open(Crate, Player, Location) - Method in interface com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.CrateRegistrar
open(Crate, Player, Location, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.CrateRegistrar
OPEN - com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.CrateAction
State when a player right clicks and opens a crate.
OPEN - com.hazebyte.crate.api.effect.Category
State for when a player opens a crate.
openConfirmationPage(Crate, Player, Location) - Method in interface com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.CrateRegistrar
openInventory(Player) - Method in interface com.hazebyte.crate.api.claim.ClaimRegistrar
out(Object) - Static method in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.util.Messenger
Outputs the raw message to console.


parse() - Method in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.reward.RewardLine
ParserException - Exception in com.hazebyte.crate.api.exception
ParserException(String) - Constructor for exception com.hazebyte.crate.api.exception.ParserException
PERMISSION - com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.reward.Tag
Represents a permission.
PERSISTENT - com.hazebyte.crate.api.effect.Category
State that represents a boundless course of action.
player - Variable in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.event.CrateInteractEvent
PluginReadyEvent - Class in com.hazebyte.crate.api.event
Called when the plugin finishes loading.
PluginReadyEvent(CratePlugin) - Constructor for class com.hazebyte.crate.api.event.PluginReadyEvent
PluginSerializable - Interface in com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate
Represents a serializable object.
prefix - Static variable in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.util.Messenger
PREVENT_DUPLICATE - com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.reward.Tag
Represents a unique reward.
preview(Crate, Player) - Method in interface com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.CrateRegistrar
Previews a crate in a built-in menu.
PREVIEW - com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.CrateAction
State when a player left clicks and previews a crate.
previewAll(List<Crate>, Player) - Method in interface com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.CrateRegistrar
Previews all crates in a built-in menu.
purchase(Crate, Player, int) - Method in interface com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.CrateRegistrar
Sends a player amount of this crate and withdraws the cost of the crate.
PUSHBACK - com.hazebyte.crate.api.effect.Category
State that represents when a player is pushed back.


RANDOM - com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.EndAnimationType
RECTANGLE - com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.AnimationType
Animation that transitions in a circular motion around a rectangle path.
RECTANGLE_REVERSE - com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.AnimationType
RELOAD - Static variable in interface com.hazebyte.crate.api.util.Messages
remove(Crate) - Method in interface com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.CrateRegistrar
Removes a crate from the plugin.
removeClaim(Claim) - Method in interface com.hazebyte.crate.api.claim.ClaimRegistrar
removeCrate(Location, Crate) - Method in interface com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.BlockCrateRegistrar
save defaults to true
removeCrate(Location, Crate, boolean) - Method in interface com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.BlockCrateRegistrar
Removes a location from listening for crate events.
removeEnchants() - Method in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.util.ItemBuilder
removeReward(Reward) - Method in interface com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.Crate
Removes a reward from the prize list.
replace(String) - Static method in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.util.Replacer
replace(String, char) - Static method in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.util.Replacer
replace(String, Player) - Static method in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.util.Replacer
replace(List<String>) - Static method in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.util.Replacer
Replacer - Class in com.hazebyte.crate.api.util
Replacer() - Constructor for class com.hazebyte.crate.api.util.Replacer
Reward - Interface in com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.reward
Represents a reward.
REWARD - com.hazebyte.crate.api.effect.Category
State that represents when a player receives a reward.
RewardExecutorResult - Enum in com.hazebyte.crate.api.result
RewardLine - Class in com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.reward
RewardLine(RewardLine) - Constructor for class com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.reward.RewardLine
RewardLine(String) - Constructor for class com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.reward.RewardLine
RIGHT_CLICK - com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.CrateAction
rootAction - Variable in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.event.CrateInteractEvent
ROULETTE - com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.AnimationType
Animation that specifically shifts around one center inventory slot.
ROULETTE_V2 - com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.AnimationType
runEffect(Location, Category) - Method in interface com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.Crate
runEffect(Location, Category, Player) - Method in interface com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.Crate
Starts all effects with the given Category at the given location.


save() - Method in interface com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.BlockCrateRegistrar
Saves the list of block crates to a file storage.
serialize() - Method in interface com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.PluginSerializable
SERVER_MOCK - Static variable in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.ServerVersion
ServerVersion - Class in com.hazebyte.crate.api
setAcceptButton(ItemStack) - Method in interface com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.Crate
setAnimationType(AnimationType) - Method in interface com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.Crate
Sets the animation to a AnimationType
setBroadcastMessage(List<String>) - Method in interface com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.Crate
setBroadcastMessage(List<String>) - Method in interface com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.reward.Reward
setCancelled(boolean) - Method in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.event.ClaimEvent
setCancelled(boolean) - Method in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.event.ClaimGiveEvent
setCancelled(boolean) - Method in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.event.CrateGiveEvent
setCancelled(boolean) - Method in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.event.CrateInteractEvent
setCancelled(boolean) - Method in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.event.CratePlaceEvent
setCancelled(boolean) - Method in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.event.CratePushbackEvent
setCancelled(boolean) - Method in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.event.CrateRemoveEvent
setCancelled(boolean) - Method in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.event.CrateRewardEvent
setCancelled(boolean) - Method in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.event.CrateSetEvent
setChance(double) - Method in interface com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.reward.Reward
Sets the chance to a double representation.
setCommands(List<String>) - Method in interface com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.reward.Reward
Sets the list of commands.
setConfirmationToggle(boolean) - Method in interface com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.Crate
Sets the toggle that enables or disables the confirmation menu.
setConstant(boolean) - Method in interface com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.reward.Reward
Set the constant property.
setCost(double) - Method in interface com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.Crate
Sets the cost of the crate
setCrate(Location, Crate) - Method in interface com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.BlockCrateRegistrar
save defaults to true.
setCrate(Location, Crate, boolean) - Method in interface com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.BlockCrateRegistrar
Sets a location to listen for crate events.
setCustomModelData(Integer) - Method in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.util.ItemBuilder
setDeclineButton(ItemStack) - Method in interface com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.Crate
setDisplayItem(ItemStack) - Method in interface com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.Crate
Sets the display item which is displayed in virtual menus.
setDisplayItem(ItemStack) - Method in interface com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.reward.Reward
Sets the display item.
setDisplayName(String) - Method in interface com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.Crate
Sets the display name.
setEndAnimationType(EndAnimationType) - Method in interface com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.Crate
setExecutor(BiFunction<Reward, Player, Set<RewardExecutorResult>>) - Method in interface com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.reward.Reward
setExecutor(Function<Claim, Boolean>) - Method in interface com.hazebyte.crate.api.claim.Claim
setGlowing(boolean) - Method in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.util.ItemBuilder
setHolographicText(List<String>) - Method in interface com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.Crate
Sets the holographic text.
setImplementation(CratePlugin) - Static method in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.CrateAPI
setItem(ItemStack) - Method in interface com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.Crate
Sets the item which is given to a player.
setItems(List<ItemStack>) - Method in interface com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.reward.Reward
Sets the list of items.
setLore(ItemStack, List<String>) - Static method in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.util.ItemHelper
setName(ItemStack, String) - Static method in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.util.ItemHelper
setNameAndLore(ItemStack, String, List<String>) - Static method in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.util.ItemHelper
setOpenMessage(List<String>) - Method in interface com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.Crate
setOpenMessage(List<String>) - Method in interface com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.reward.Reward
setParent(Crate) - Method in interface com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.reward.Reward
setPermissions(List<String>) - Method in interface com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.reward.Reward
setPrefix(String) - Static method in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.util.Messenger
setRewards(List<Reward>) - Method in interface com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.Crate
Sets the list of rewards to a new list
setSlot(int) - Method in interface com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.reward.Reward
setUnique(boolean) - Method in interface com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.reward.Reward
Sets the unique property.
setup(Plugin) - Static method in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.util.Messenger
setupDebug(Plugin, boolean) - Static method in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.util.Messenger
severe(Object) - Static method in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.util.Messenger
SPIN - com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.AnimationType
splitTags() - Method in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.reward.RewardLine
spoofInventory(OfflinePlayer, Player) - Method in interface com.hazebyte.crate.api.claim.ClaimRegistrar
STRING - com.hazebyte.crate.api.util.ItemBuilder.DataType
SUPPLY - com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.CrateType
Type of crate that item is specifically a chest.


Tag - Enum in com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.reward
States that determine the attributes of a Reward
TAG - Static variable in interface com.hazebyte.crate.api.util.Links
tell(CommandSender, Object) - Static method in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.util.Messenger
tell(CommandSender, String) - Static method in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.util.Messenger
tell(CommandSender, BaseComponent) - Static method in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.util.Messenger
tell(CommandSender, BaseComponent...) - Static method in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.util.Messenger
tell(CommandSender, TextComponent) - Static method in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.util.Messenger
tell(Player, Object) - Static method in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.util.Messenger
tell(Player, String) - Static method in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.util.Messenger
toString() - Method in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.reward.RewardLine
toString() - Method in enum com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.reward.Tag
toString() - Method in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.ServerVersion
trim(String[]) - Static method in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.util.Messenger
type(Material) - Method in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.util.ItemBuilder


UNAVAILABLE_FEATURE - Static variable in interface com.hazebyte.crate.api.util.Messages
UNAVAILABLE_FEATURE_INFO - Static variable in interface com.hazebyte.crate.api.util.Messages
unbreakable(boolean) - Method in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.util.ItemBuilder
unsafeEnchant(Enchantment, int) - Method in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.util.ItemBuilder
unsafeEnchants(Map<Enchantment, Integer>) - Method in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.util.ItemBuilder


v1_10_R1 - Static variable in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.ServerVersion
v1_12_R1 - Static variable in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.ServerVersion
v1_13_R1 - Static variable in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.ServerVersion
v1_14_R1 - Static variable in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.ServerVersion
v1_16_R1 - Static variable in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.ServerVersion
v1_20_R6 - Static variable in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.ServerVersion
v1_21_R0 - Static variable in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.ServerVersion
v1_8_R1 - Static variable in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.ServerVersion
v1_8_R2 - Static variable in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.ServerVersion
v1_9_R1 - Static variable in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.ServerVersion
validate() - Static method in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.util.Messenger
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.AnimationType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.CrateAction
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.CrateType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.EndAnimationType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.reward.MessageType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.reward.Tag
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.hazebyte.crate.api.effect.Category
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.hazebyte.crate.api.result.RewardExecutorResult
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.hazebyte.crate.api.util.ItemBuilder.DataType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.AnimationType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.CrateAction
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.CrateType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.EndAnimationType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.reward.MessageType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.hazebyte.crate.api.crate.reward.Tag
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.hazebyte.crate.api.effect.Category
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.hazebyte.crate.api.result.RewardExecutorResult
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.hazebyte.crate.api.util.ItemBuilder.DataType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.


warning(Object) - Static method in class com.hazebyte.crate.api.util.Messenger
WARNING - Static variable in interface com.hazebyte.crate.api.util.Messages
WARNING_S - Static variable in interface com.hazebyte.crate.api.util.Messages
WARNING_S_INFO - Static variable in interface com.hazebyte.crate.api.util.Messages
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