Constant Field Values



  • com.hazebyte.crate.api.util.Links 
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final String ANIMATION ""
    public static final String CRATE_TYPES ""
    public static final String ITEMS ""
    public static final String MATERIAL ""
    public static final String META ""
    public static final String TAG ""
  • com.hazebyte.crate.api.util.Messages 
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final String ERROR "&4An error has occurred: &f"
    public static final String ERROR_LINE "&4An error has occurred: &fParsing \"%s\""
    public static final String ERROR_LINE_INFO "&4An error has occurred: &fParsing \"%s\" [see %s]"
    public static final String FORMAT "Please check the format: "
    public static final String FORMAT_ITEM "Please check the format: ITEM \"%s\" [see %s]"
    public static final String MESSAGE_NOT_FOUND "The following message key was not found: "
    public static final String RELOAD "The plugin has been reloaded. Please note that this command may cause unintended behavior. If you encounter any issues, please restart the server."
    public static final String UNAVAILABLE_FEATURE "&fThe following feature is not available: %s"
    public static final String UNAVAILABLE_FEATURE_INFO "&fThe following feature is not available: %s [see %s]"
    public static final String WARNING "&eSomething happened: &f"
    public static final String WARNING_S "&eSomething happened: &f %s"
    public static final String WARNING_S_INFO "&eSomething happened: &f %s [see %s]"